Tuesday, January 3

Drugs and Alcohol

Day 3- Your views on drugs and alcohol

Drugs. The ones your doctor writes scribbles for? The ones you walk hastily for in the Walgreens isle? The ones your mother recommends when your stuck on the john all day? I know you don't mean those. Drugs from the corner down the street, past the that street lamp? Those drugs. The ones that sneak from hand to hand in a classroom and land in your lungs and mouth? The ones in your pocket waiting to be used for the relief? The ones you share with friends when there isn't enough money for everyone to get their own? The ones that keep a lingering taste that grows stronger every time you take them? The ones with obscure names in different regions of the country? The ones that even your grandparents knew about, the ones they say they didn't have? Oh those drugs? 


It's used in many social settings. 

Sold from five buck to to hundreds and even thousands of dollars and yet it all has the same affect. 

I have yet to drink any that taste decent. 

I am determined to think that people don't care what it taste like when they can half fun and forget their lives for at least a night. 

Note: I know I didn't  exactly write my views. It's for a reason. Ely if you wish we can discuss these in person. 

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