Monday, January 23

Day 14. I feel like I'm looking inside an attic

Your Earliest Memory

I have a couple...I don't know which one is my earliest memory because I don't remember how old I was at the time. All I remember is that I was young.

1. My dad used to pick me up really really high, to the point where my feet would touch the ceiling. 
2. I was trying to wash dishes with my older sister and she told me to stop. that i wasn't helping her, that i was in her way. 
3. i remember asking my parents for a little brother.
4. i remember pretending to me a lion. I would crawl alongside the bed, and the jump out of no where and try to scare my parents.
5. I remember the first time my dad brought a computer home. I was hooooked.
6. I remember playing games at the playground before school. 
7. Playing video games with my cousins. I miss donkey kong, a lot :(

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