Tuesday, January 3

And Then There was One

Day 1. Discuss how single life is.

The single life? 

Well I have four siblings but I have always considered myself independent. I am the middle child so you know how it is.  I don't bother anyone for anything they don't bother me. I am happy with that. 

That is how my life is now. Alone. I don't want to say I am happy because I am alone. I am not happy about it. I just accept it. I have come to terms with the situation. Also, I am not completely alone,  I have many great friendships that I cherish. Those relationships are the ones that keep my life interesting and therefore no matter how alone I am I can never be completely alone. 

It doesn't bother me that I don't have a boyfriend. Well 98 percent of the time it doesn't bother me. I am still young. I have time. Sure there are the occasional school dances, and holidays times that make you stick out but for the most part it is alright. That is the one  percent of the two percent that bothers me. The other percent is when I cannot help my friends out. How can I offer relationship advice when I don't have a relationship of my own? I try but I feel like I don't completely understand them sometimes. 

Being single at this age doesn't worry me. Some people think people my age shouldn't be dating. Being single is not that huge of a difference to my coupled up friends. Get back to me when I am 30. Then we can talk. 

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