Hmmmm...I will like to move to California or Pennsylvania. I went to CA during spring beak last year and it was beautiful! The weather was nice...As for Pennsylvania I went there during the summer and it reminds me so much of Chicago, well the downtown part. And the people there are nice!
Day 14. Your earliest memory.
I have a lot lol. but I'll just some.
- Throwing my dads bread under the bed..I think I was 3.
- My bro trying to help me with my math hw when I was in 1st grade...I was bad at it.
- Being called 4 eyes =(
- Going to my babysitters house and petting the rabbit they had in the basement.
- Playing school with my older sis.
I don't really follow ppls blogs..but my older sis has one and it's pretty cool.
Day 16. Your views on mainstream music.
I dont really mind it. Although I believe music was way better back in the day. Now it's all about drugs,sex,money, and other nonsense. If the song is speaking the truth or makes me dance, I dont
- Turning 17.
- Winning a medal in Decathlon.
- Traveling to CA and Pennsylvania.
- Meeting new ppl
- Being part of the Tennis team
- Met my polar bear.
- Became NHS Secretary
- Saw my godmother in the summer, who I have not seen in 6 yrs.
- Some health issues..
- Family stuff
My beliefs!!! Well I have some. These are just some crazy thoughts lol
- Getting married through Church...and all that jazz
- Having kids when married.
- Being with someone you love not because your parents or anyone else is making you be with them.
- Good things come to those who wait.
- Karma will get back to you someday..
- If you work hard it will pay off in the future...DONT GIVE UP.
Sigh.. I grew up with the idea that you should never disrespect your parents. I have pretty strict folks who grew up obeying everything their parents said. I can NEVER yell at any of them, or talk back. If I do oh boy....And sometimes I kind of reply in a mean way, but later I feel bad. A lot of friends are like " You need freedom" and yes that sounds nice, and I will have freedom later on in my life..but while I'm living with my parents I have to follow their rules. And sometime when I see ppl yelling at their folks, I feel bad. I don't anyone should be disrespectful w/ their parents bc they do so much for their kids. Even if at times it doesnt seem like it, but they are.
So when I have kids of my own, I want them to respect me and their dad..and even if at times they get mad at us...we still love them and we are doing it for their own good.
Day 20. How important you think education is.
Education is key to me. It will determine my future. I take school very seriously. My grades reflect how important it is. Especially now that most students dont really care about school or what they want to do in their lives. It sucks because there are SO MANY resources out there! Something my parents have taught me is to take your education very very seriously. Both my parents didnt go off in school because they had to work. That's why they work so much to better help us go to a good college and not have to worry about paying the bills.
So for me education is extremely important and I only hope that it takes me far in life.
Day 21. One of your favorite shows.
All about the VAMPS!! lol I love "The Vampire Dairies" comes out every Thursday on channel 9. As you can guess it's about vamps and a human girl who falls in love w/ one of them.LOL This show is fill of hot guys both human/vamps and a great plot. It's not just about the love , it has action, different twist, like not all the good ppl survive. It always keeps me in suspense!
One thing is the way I see relationships/marriage. I used to always think that once you get married it will LAST FOREVER...Well over the last 2 years that has changed. If you are unhappy then you should leave... don't stay and hope for the best. Once it keeps on happening it wont stop.

...Hayden Christensen...since Star wars... =)
luke pasqualino...SKINS show in the UK
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