Friday, January 6

30 Things About Yerika

  1. I like to chew on water bottle caps. 
  2. I have diaries from when I first started to write. A diary for every grade. 
  3. After I send an email I always read emails 3 times and 3 times before I send them. 
  4. I wanted to go to boarding school when I was younger. 
  5. I used to be afraid of the dark. 
  6. I have fallen off of my bed more than 3 times. 
  7. I don't like it when people talk during movies. 
  8. I like to walk around the city not knowing where I am going. 
  9. I like to get lost. 
  10. I like talking to tourist. 
  11. I like silence. 
  12. When I was in Malawi I got bit my a ton of ants, it looked like a rash, I thought I had caught some disease. 
  13. I am undecided about what I want to do with my life. 
  14. My favorite sounds are the ones I hear when I am riding the L. I feel safe there. 
  15. Sometimes I ride the Blue line train to O'Hare and Forest Park multiple times just to think or write or read. I feel like I have time there. 
  16. I hate buses. 
  17. My favorite flowers are red tulips and lily of the valley. 
  18. I love the smell of post-its. 
  19. I have these paranoi(a?) that one day I will be deaf or blind. 
  20. I always have dreams about school when I am stressed. 
  21. I love school. 
  22. I love to learn. 
  23. I wanted my name to be Amelia . 
  24. I want to travel to small villages and places that aren't filled with tourist. 
  25. I think when people speak German they sound like they are mad all the time or like they are are cursing at you. 
  26. I don't understand why some people say cussing (or spell it that way). 
  27. I am scared of boats and islands a little bit.  because 
  28. I cannot swim 
  29. It took me a long time to learn how to ride a bike. Till I was about 8 or 9 
  30. I am a pessimist.