I would say it was last March. It was the Decathlon Teams last competition, State. And we knew that only some of us would recieve medals because there were only a couple schools. I wasnt that worried because the last competitions I didnt win any medals, so If I didnt here, it would be okay. Mainly because I knew how it felt to not win. The first compeition I was sad, I didnt want to show it with everyone being there, happy with their medals. The long ride home I felt like bursting out in tears, but I didnt want them to see me upset. It was when I was getting off the car, that Mr.K (our GREAT coach!!) told me...
" Yesenia, YOU did a GREAT job."
I know he meant good, to cheer me up. Although I wasn't feeling it. Once I got in my house the tears came running down my cheeks. I then told my family how it went, and they told me next time. That day was pretty sad for me. The next day I felt even more sad. I remember that I webcam with Yerika. And I was soooo upset. remember? You told me some good advice.
So after that competition, came City-Wide. Again I didn't win any medals, but I had a great time bonding with my team. I had some very funny moments with one in particular.Jeje And this time only some of us won. I was still super happy for my teammates because they worked hard to earn those medals. And also the next day was going to be my Bday party so I was excited about that. I think that made me feel a lot better.
And finally came STATE!!! This time like I said earlier was the tough one. I was feeling pretty good about how my speech went because I knew that so well. Yet, I didnt get my hopes up. So the Awards Ceremony began...and like always the top schools were being called like always...and then you would hear Schurz..Aaron...Schurz Jose...Schurz Aaron.....so on so on...And then there came Interview...I remember thinking to myself, "Oh that went pretty good."
"Schurz....YESENIA.....I was like WHAT???!!!! Mr.K was like " That's YOU!"
I ran to that stage so proud of myself!!! I couldn't believe it! I think I had on the BIGGEST smile on my face.
It just felt like victory. That day, that moment, was probably the happiest I ever felt about myself.
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