Thursday, February 9
Saturday, January 28
Day 24. Your favorite movie & what it’s about.
Day 25. Someone who fascinates you and why.
Meg Hutchinson. (Yesi i think you will like her)
She is the daughter of Jamie Hutchinson, who is the director of Young Writers Workshop. She came to perform and taught us how to come up with songs. She had just gotten home after a long tour. She told us about her dreams and the stories behind her songs.
She was really glad to be home. You could tell.
She looks a lot like her dad!!
This is by far my favorite song of hers.
I remember what she said about it. She had drove out to a mountain one night with her dog and the melody was just in her head and she started writing it down because she didn't want to forget it. She was all shocked and like "usually I come up with the lyrics first!!" lol.
True North is about her parents divorcing.
And there was this other one that was about her breaking up with her boyfriend at a bar lol. She had a good sense of humor and told us "Young Writers Workshop is a great place to fall in love".
I don't know exactly what she meant by that but based on her smile, you could tel whatever it was she did, she had a lot of fun.
She also used to ride the train in Boston hoping someone would notice her. She was like "i'm not delusional" haha.
How do I remember this stuff? ....
maybe cause she's so fascinating...ahaha...
Day 26. What kind of person attracts you.
Day 27. A problem that you have had/
Guitar. Ugh. I want to play you so bad.
I started guitar lessons recently though. Federico, a.k.a remedy to the problem.
Day 28. Something that you miss.
Thursday, January 26
watch as a I catch up on blogspot, and fall behind on my online classes ALL AT THE SAME TIME
Day 15. Your favorite blogs
I don't think I have one.
I do, however, have a favorite tumblr.
I'm very anti-tumblr when it comes to people just re-posting stuff.
If you have a good tumblr, where you occasionally put in your thoughts and the graphics you have depict the person you are, I will like it.
It's just fun. I don't know. It just is. I guess there is a nice balance of pictures and words. Makes me feel like I'm reading a child book version of someone's life.
And my favorite tumblr would have to be delila's.
I really like the things she chooses to put up and the things she choose to say.
Her personality is great, and you see that in her tumblr. It's like talking to her..without really talking to her.
Example of how awesome she is:
She's a really good hula hooper and dancer. When I first met her, it was at the skate park, and she was liquid dancing and gave me a lecture about beauty. It was one of the few times where I actually didn't bother to say anything, because I wouldn't have much to add to the convo except "I agree".
She just is the type of person I wish a lot of people were lol.
that was not the example I wanted to give. This was one:
I asked her when she'll start hula hooping lesssons, and she told me the dates and bleh. Then she tells me to go over her house whenever, that she'll help me the best she can. That kind of hospitality isn't found very often. I know some friends who consider wanting to learn from someone else as "copying" but she simply sees it as "spreading the joy she got from hooping".
lits my heart rights up, it really does.
And so that's why I like her tumblr. Because with a personality like hers being depicted on a webpage, how can I not?
Day 16. Your views on mainstream music.
Mainstream music, ayy?
I can't pay attention with starfucker playing in the background:
Mainstream music is definitely (i always have trouble spelling that word) not my favorite.
I respect it though. I might think it's terrible, but if you like it...hey..who am I to tell you otherwise?
Low key, I also like the song "lovebug" by Jonas Brothers.
Not my favorite though..
Not my favorite.
Once in a blue moon, I'll listen.
Day 17: Your Highs + Lows
going on to semi-finals with ricardo!! :)
things looking a lot brighter
things looking a lot brighter
mister i-hide-books-about-art-appreciation-at-myopic
when crystal came to feed me and put me to sleep when I broke down that one day
when I decided to change after I broke down that one day
Seeing Paul
Fourth of julyyyyy :P
Fourth of julyyyyy :P
Seeing Morrissey
Seeing Starfucker
Seeing Starfucker
Seeing LeftOverCrack with Chaz, Christer and all of em'
Google Headquarter timeeeee
Eating Lunch with a Psychologist
The heart is a lonely hunter :)
starting to hula hoop (SO MUCH FUN!)
when I broke-down that one day
when life seems too weird
I don't know..I'm very forgetful....unless it's something I really want to remember. Guess not that many lows happened?
It's never okay to resort to violence.
No, it is not okay to have sex with that many people..I don't care how much you want it..
Wisdom beings with wonder.
People are inherently born good.
Laughter is the best medicine.
Music says a lot of things better than we ever could.
Everyone, no matter who they are, has something great about them.
Mary Jane will always be by my side. She's my homie. I'm pretty confused about Molly & Lucy though. -_-
Don't judge. It's hard, but even if you do, accept.
We're all human.
An eye for an eye leaves the world blind.
A mistake is only a mistake if you don't learn from it.
“A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.”
I'm a terrible daughter. >_<
I'm learning though.
Both my parents and I are.
I'm really bad with authority.
Day 20. How important you think education is.
I think education is important. It impacts us all and has the ability to take us "far" in life. How "far" we want it to take us, is entirely up to us.
Education is important in getting stuff done. I wouldn't want a guy who went to school for a year to be my dentist. Through educating ourselves, we help "advance" our world....
It's something that can never be taken away from you.
I don't think it's important to be "successful" because I think we all have our own definition of what that means. I don't think it's important to be "happy" for the same reason.
Me personally, I want to learn. It's fun. So's pretty important.
Don't take my fun away from me.
Day 21. One of your favorite shows.
I didn't know which one to pick over the other....
Are you ready for this? ..............
my favorite picture ^^
Tuesday, January 24
This is sooo hard!!! Sigh.
Day 24. Your favorite movie & what it’s about.
Ughhh..I have sooo many to talk about..sigh but I guess my favorite movie is.......
I remember being a little kid and watching this movie..over and over again.
...Im tooooo lazy to summaries it but here you go:
A toaster, a blanket, a lamp, a radio, and a vacuum cleaner journey to the city to find their master after being abandoned in their cabin in the woods.
My is when they go to the Moon..This movie brings back sooo many childhood memories..sigh
Ughhh..I have sooo many to talk about..sigh but I guess my favorite movie is.......
I remember being a little kid and watching this movie..over and over again.
...Im tooooo lazy to summaries it but here you go:
A toaster, a blanket, a lamp, a radio, and a vacuum cleaner journey to the city to find their master after being abandoned in their cabin in the woods.
My is when they go to the Moon..This movie brings back sooo many childhood memories..sigh
Monday, January 23
Day 13-23 because I'm lazyyy =0
Day 13. Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
Day 14. Your earliest memory.
I have a lot lol. but I'll just some.
Day 15. Your favorite blogs
Day 16. Your views on mainstream music.
Day 17. Your highs and lows of this past year.
Day 18. Your beliefs.
Day 19. Disrespecting your parents.
Day 20. How important you think education is.
Day 21. One of your favorite shows.
Day 22. How have your changed in the past 2 years.
Day 23. Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous whom you find attractive.
...Hayden Christensen...since Star wars... =)
luke pasqualino...SKINS show in the UK
Hmmmm...I will like to move to California or Pennsylvania. I went to CA during spring beak last year and it was beautiful! The weather was nice...As for Pennsylvania I went there during the summer and it reminds me so much of Chicago, well the downtown part. And the people there are nice!
Day 14. Your earliest memory.
I have a lot lol. but I'll just some.
- Throwing my dads bread under the bed..I think I was 3.
- My bro trying to help me with my math hw when I was in 1st grade...I was bad at it.
- Being called 4 eyes =(
- Going to my babysitters house and petting the rabbit they had in the basement.
- Playing school with my older sis.
I don't really follow ppls blogs..but my older sis has one and it's pretty cool.
Day 16. Your views on mainstream music.
I dont really mind it. Although I believe music was way better back in the day. Now it's all about drugs,sex,money, and other nonsense. If the song is speaking the truth or makes me dance, I dont
- Turning 17.
- Winning a medal in Decathlon.
- Traveling to CA and Pennsylvania.
- Meeting new ppl
- Being part of the Tennis team
- Met my polar bear.
- Became NHS Secretary
- Saw my godmother in the summer, who I have not seen in 6 yrs.
- Some health issues..
- Family stuff
My beliefs!!! Well I have some. These are just some crazy thoughts lol
- Getting married through Church...and all that jazz
- Having kids when married.
- Being with someone you love not because your parents or anyone else is making you be with them.
- Good things come to those who wait.
- Karma will get back to you someday..
- If you work hard it will pay off in the future...DONT GIVE UP.
Sigh.. I grew up with the idea that you should never disrespect your parents. I have pretty strict folks who grew up obeying everything their parents said. I can NEVER yell at any of them, or talk back. If I do oh boy....And sometimes I kind of reply in a mean way, but later I feel bad. A lot of friends are like " You need freedom" and yes that sounds nice, and I will have freedom later on in my life..but while I'm living with my parents I have to follow their rules. And sometime when I see ppl yelling at their folks, I feel bad. I don't anyone should be disrespectful w/ their parents bc they do so much for their kids. Even if at times it doesnt seem like it, but they are.
So when I have kids of my own, I want them to respect me and their dad..and even if at times they get mad at us...we still love them and we are doing it for their own good.
Day 20. How important you think education is.
Education is key to me. It will determine my future. I take school very seriously. My grades reflect how important it is. Especially now that most students dont really care about school or what they want to do in their lives. It sucks because there are SO MANY resources out there! Something my parents have taught me is to take your education very very seriously. Both my parents didnt go off in school because they had to work. That's why they work so much to better help us go to a good college and not have to worry about paying the bills.
So for me education is extremely important and I only hope that it takes me far in life.
Day 21. One of your favorite shows.
All about the VAMPS!! lol I love "The Vampire Dairies" comes out every Thursday on channel 9. As you can guess it's about vamps and a human girl who falls in love w/ one of them.LOL This show is fill of hot guys both human/vamps and a great plot. It's not just about the love , it has action, different twist, like not all the good ppl survive. It always keeps me in suspense!
One thing is the way I see relationships/marriage. I used to always think that once you get married it will LAST FOREVER...Well over the last 2 years that has changed. If you are unhappy then you should leave... don't stay and hope for the best. Once it keeps on happening it wont stop.

...Hayden Christensen...since Star wars... =)
luke pasqualino...SKINS show in the UK
Day 14. I feel like I'm looking inside an attic
Your Earliest Memory
I have a couple...I don't know which one is my earliest memory because I don't remember how old I was at the time. All I remember is that I was young.
1. My dad used to pick me up really really high, to the point where my feet would touch the ceiling.
2. I was trying to wash dishes with my older sister and she told me to stop. that i wasn't helping her, that i was in her way.
3. i remember asking my parents for a little brother.
4. i remember pretending to me a lion. I would crawl alongside the bed, and the jump out of no where and try to scare my parents.
5. I remember the first time my dad brought a computer home. I was hooooked.
6. I remember playing games at the playground before school.
7. Playing video games with my cousins. I miss donkey kong, a lot :(
Sunday, January 15
stuffity stuff stuff
Day 11. Put your iPod on shuffle and write down the 10 songs that pop up.
Day 12. Your dream college.
Day 13. Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
Day 11:
Okay...I don't have an IPOD or anything. I'm pretty much incapable of completing that post. I'm sorry blogspot.
Day 12:
Day 12. Your dream college.
Day 13. Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
Day 11:
Okay...I don't have an IPOD or anything. I'm pretty much incapable of completing that post. I'm sorry blogspot.
Day 12:
My dream college would have the principles that Kenyon has. There wouldn't be any competition against each other, but with one's self. Studying would be driven on curiosity. "Wisdom beings with wonder". It would be a small college. The professors would really care about the students. There would be study abroad opportunities. Help getting into grad school or finding a job right after college. They'd have a debate team. They'd have other clubs I might be interested in. They'd give AP credit. They'd have lots of good foods around campus. The student's would be open-minded. The school-work wouldn't be so ridiculous. I don't know what kind of weather I want.
I'm still confused on school size. I say I want it small, but who knows if when I'm there I'll still want it that way. I'm really scared of feeling trapped.
Since Kenyon doesn't offer the major I'm considering, I've decided that I have to look at schools that offer a variety of majors. So I've stumbled upon Pitzer.
And Pitzer, let's hope, will be the college I'll be attending.
With this college, I' have the option of making my college experience "big or small".
And I can definitely do Cali. Definitely.
Day 13:
I'd like to visit.............
France, Spain, Italy, China, Japan, Amsterdam, anddddddd I think I'd be content with that.
Thursday, January 12
Mountains..and lots of stairs
Day 12. Your dream college.
Sigh..So many lol. I would have to say LeHigh. It's in Pennsylvania. I went there this past summer and man how I loved it. The campus was so nice, so many stairs but such a beautiful view. My dream would be to attend there. And hopefully I do.
Sigh..So many lol. I would have to say LeHigh. It's in Pennsylvania. I went there this past summer and man how I loved it. The campus was so nice, so many stairs but such a beautiful view. My dream would be to attend there. And hopefully I do.
Songs on Shuffle
I don't have an iPod but I will use iTunes.
- We Will Rock You - Queen
- We Still Got the Taste Dancin on Our Tongues - Wild Beasts
- Miserable at Best - Mayday Parade
- You Had a Bad Day - Daniel Powter
- Shiva - The Antlers
- Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
- Keep Yourself Alive - Queen
- Las Palabras De Amor - Queen
- Borrowed Time - John Lennon
- Let Me Live - Queen
First Loves and Kisses
I don't think I have fallen in love yet so how is that I have to discuss my first love?
My first kiss? I was way too young. It was a kiss that involved way too much saliva. It was gross.
My first kiss? I was way too young. It was a kiss that involved way too much saliva. It was gross.
Yerika's Back Day 9 and the Future
I am a whole bunch of days behind but I will try to catch up as much I can.
I don't know how I want my future to be like. I want it to be happy of course. But in order for me to know what I want it to be like I have to know what I want to do with my life and I still don't know. I am figuring everything out as I go.
I want my the future Yerika to bestow knowledge among young people and happiness.
I don't know how I want my future to be like. I want it to be happy of course. But in order for me to know what I want it to be like I have to know what I want to do with my life and I still don't know. I am figuring everything out as I go.
I want my the future Yerika to bestow knowledge among young people and happiness.
Wednesday, January 11
Day 11. Put your iPod on shuffle and write down the 10 songs that pop up.
1.Come Clean - Hilary Duff
2.Somewhere Over the Rainbow-Isreal K.
3.You're Beautiful -James Blunt
4.Mr.Brightside -The Killers
5.Winter Song- Mia Carruthers
7.La Carcacha-Selena
8.Stereo Love-Edwards Maya
9.Solo para ti -Camila
10.Me Gusta Toda de ti- La banda el Recodo hahaha mexican pride!
..I like these songs!
1.Come Clean - Hilary Duff
2.Somewhere Over the Rainbow-Isreal K.
3.You're Beautiful -James Blunt
4.Mr.Brightside -The Killers
5.Winter Song- Mia Carruthers
7.La Carcacha-Selena
8.Stereo Love-Edwards Maya
9.Solo para ti -Camila
10.Me Gusta Toda de ti- La banda el Recodo hahaha mexican pride!
..I like these songs!
I came back for you :)
lol yesenia :)
Day 8. A moment you felt most satisfied in your life {your happiest moment}
Day 9. How you hope your future will be like.
Day 10. Discuss your first love and first kiss
Day 9. How you hope your future will be like.
Day 10. Discuss your first love and first kiss
Day 8:
The happiest moment of my life was when I didn't know I existed. When my world revolve around child-hood games, friends, and books. Occasionally, video games would be thrown into the mix. And I was very happy with all of those things. I'd be even happier if I was with my older brothers, because they'd always make me laugh, or if I got stay up late past my bedtime.
Life isn't as simple.
And I don't think I'll ever have that feeling again.
Although, I'll try to.
"I walked over to the hill where we used to go and sled. There were a lot of little kids there. I watched them flying. Doing jumps and having races. And I thought that all those little kids are going to grow up someday. And all of those little kids are going to do the things that we do. And they will all kiss someone someday. But for now, sledding is enough. I think it would be great if sledding were always enough, but it isn't" - Charlie
Day 9:
I hope my future will be a fine and dandy one. Aha. Dandaaayyy.
I hope my future will be a fine and dandy one. Aha. Dandaaayyy.
I want to be in love and in bliss. Both with knowledge, the world around me, and some amazing guy.
I really hope he's amazing.
I want to play instruments. I want people to play songs for me. I want to still preserve my morals. I want to be writing. I want to never lose sight of where I come from and where I've been through when I decide where I'm going.
Day 10
My first kiss was in my room. My first boyfriend dumped me because I was too nervous to kiss him, so I went out with his best friend. This is why it's not good to date in 7th grade...You act retarded.
Anyway, I decided I might as well try it. So I did.
Fortunately for me, we ended up being really good friends, and it's not one of those things I look back and say "wtf..with him?!?"...although I'm a little ashamed of the intentions.
That's why it's good to wait.
I haven't had a first love yet. Unless you count the beatles. or charlie. that's the closest I'll ever get to loving someone. An old band and a fictional character. Haaa.
Tuesday, January 10
And then there was ONE lol..U GUYS COME BACK!
Day 10. Discuss your first love.
Woah. Day 10 is very
nah..Well I'll just talk about mi first amor! jejeje
It was in the 1st grade..I think. Such a young age it probably wasn't love but oh well. His name was Patrick, he was Polish. He had the nicest eyes!!! I remember them so well. They were blue but they had a nice twist..idk how to explain but they were very nice. I just remember him being a very kind person to me, he would help me with my work, sit next to me in lunch. And oh his hair! It was so blonde! I just felt so happy when he would talk to me jejeje.
The WORST day ever came. He was moving. My little heart broke into pieces. The last day he was there, I told him that I liked him. He just smiled. But it was a nice smile not a "I don't care smile." So he left. And I was very sad for days.Sigh
I don't know if this counts as my " first love". But that was the first time I had feelings towards a boy. And the rest is history.LOL
Woah. Day 10 is very
nah..Well I'll just talk about mi first amor! jejeje
It was in the 1st grade..I think. Such a young age it probably wasn't love but oh well. His name was Patrick, he was Polish. He had the nicest eyes!!! I remember them so well. They were blue but they had a nice twist..idk how to explain but they were very nice. I just remember him being a very kind person to me, he would help me with my work, sit next to me in lunch. And oh his hair! It was so blonde! I just felt so happy when he would talk to me jejeje.
The WORST day ever came. He was moving. My little heart broke into pieces. The last day he was there, I told him that I liked him. He just smiled. But it was a nice smile not a "I don't care smile." So he left. And I was very sad for days.Sigh
I don't know if this counts as my " first love". But that was the first time I had feelings towards a boy. And the rest is history.LOL
Monday, January 9
Day 9: Love and Happiness
Day 9. How you hope your future will be like.
Full of Love and Happiness. And a job that I love,a husband who makes me feel loved, and happy kids..such a corny
But whatever, I like it. jeje
And also a nice home with a nice garden. =)
Sunday, January 8
Day 8: Malawi
Every single day I spent in Malawi was my happiest moment.
It was the best experience I have ever had.
When I am having a rough time I wish I could go just go there. Things made sense there. I worked hard every day, ate healthy, exercised, had fun in the sun, had an amazing host family, played with the children, learned about the culture, and just didn't feel worried. Everything was good.
It was the best experience I have ever had.
When I am having a rough time I wish I could go just go there. Things made sense there. I worked hard every day, ate healthy, exercised, had fun in the sun, had an amazing host family, played with the children, learned about the culture, and just didn't feel worried. Everything was good.
Day 8. A moment you felt most satisfied in your life {your happiest moment}
I would say it was last March. It was the Decathlon Teams last competition, State. And we knew that only some of us would recieve medals because there were only a couple schools. I wasnt that worried because the last competitions I didnt win any medals, so If I didnt here, it would be okay. Mainly because I knew how it felt to not win. The first compeition I was sad, I didnt want to show it with everyone being there, happy with their medals. The long ride home I felt like bursting out in tears, but I didnt want them to see me upset. It was when I was getting off the car, that Mr.K (our GREAT coach!!) told me...
" Yesenia, YOU did a GREAT job."
I know he meant good, to cheer me up. Although I wasn't feeling it. Once I got in my house the tears came running down my cheeks. I then told my family how it went, and they told me next time. That day was pretty sad for me. The next day I felt even more sad. I remember that I webcam with Yerika. And I was soooo upset. remember? You told me some good advice.
So after that competition, came City-Wide. Again I didn't win any medals, but I had a great time bonding with my team. I had some very funny moments with one in particular.Jeje And this time only some of us won. I was still super happy for my teammates because they worked hard to earn those medals. And also the next day was going to be my Bday party so I was excited about that. I think that made me feel a lot better.
And finally came STATE!!! This time like I said earlier was the tough one. I was feeling pretty good about how my speech went because I knew that so well. Yet, I didnt get my hopes up. So the Awards Ceremony began...and like always the top schools were being called like always...and then you would hear Schurz..Aaron...Schurz Jose...Schurz on so on...And then there came Interview...I remember thinking to myself, "Oh that went pretty good."
"Schurz....YESENIA.....I was like WHAT???!!!! Mr.K was like " That's YOU!"
I ran to that stage so proud of myself!!! I couldn't believe it! I think I had on the BIGGEST smile on my face.
It just felt like victory. That day, that moment, was probably the happiest I ever felt about myself.
Saturday, January 7
Sometimes it's like me. Sometimes it's not so much.
But we all know that those are designed to fit everyone and they are worded to do so.
So... I am not sure.
It's crazy how much things can bet spot on... but maybe not so crazy since there is a method.
But we all know that those are designed to fit everyone and they are worded to do so.
So... I am not sure.
It's crazy how much things can bet spot on... but maybe not so crazy since there is a method.
Day 7. Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.
Well my zodiac sign is Pisces. The fish. Funny because I don't like
I truly do believe this fits my personality bc Pisces are known to be kind, and quite emotional lol.
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